Newborn Twins.

Meet Ethan and Aiden. Brand new, & sweet as can be. Joy times two.

I got to meet the parents of these two about 8 weeks ago- and it was great to finally meet the boys this past week!

Marci & Josh, you already know how I feel about being a parent to twins. There’s nothing like it. Your heart will change. You will become someone different. Which is good. And healthy, happy, & overwhelming. It’s wonderful. And worth it.

I know your nights are long right now, and the future maybe looks a little uncertain. But that’s good. Because you have so much to look forward to in that future. Someday your heart is going to feel so full you’ll choke up and realize how blessed you are. The long nights are worth it, the double diapering pays off; even the double college tuition won’t seem like a big deal. Because you have twins. And you are in for the best journey of your life.

See these two little babies? They’re going to grow, and coo, and crawl and giggle. They’re going to say their first words and someday say, “I love you.”

And, honestly, one of the biggest rewards coming your way? They’re going to (eventually) sleep through the night…

They’re going to talk to each other, and laugh, and have little inside jokes. They’re going to make you laugh. They may exhaust you some days, but most likely they’ll make you smile more often.

Every one says it flies by, to enjoy the moment, to revel in what you have now. I admit, when our twins were babies, I sometimes thought, “Time flies? Really? Not fast enough…” But it’s so true. You’ll blink. And they’ll be growing up. But that’s fun, too.

They’ll share a bond that’s strong, and forged from the beginning. They’re going to love you.

And that will make you happy.

Thank you so much for the true honor of documenting your twins. It really was a memory-making morning, and I’m so glad I was able to do it! All the best to the four of you!

July 26, 2010 - 5:23 pm

emh - these pics are absolutely beautiful, AMAZING job Betsy. and congrats to a doubly blessed mom and dad, your little ones are so, so sweet!

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