Friday Favorite. #17.

Whoa. I didn’t know it had been so long since I did a Friday Favorite. I apologize to those readers who say it’s their preference… (Sorry, Jen and Bethany!)

I had something different scheduled for this Friday’s Favorite. Until I got the mail yesterday. And I knew right then I had to showcase this first.

See, I’ve been working on getting my studio/office space finished, and have been doing the loyal thing and getting a lot of my things from Etsy. (I know, how dutiful of me, right?) I know that nice packaging makes a difference, according to the marketing experts at Etsy. So for my packages, I use a pretty brown paper package, tied up with string… and a cute stamp in the middle. I’ve received good feedback on the ‘nice’ packaging, and felt quite satisfied with that result. Until yesterday. I got 4 dishtowels from Faded Plains etsy shop (which I plan to make into curtains- more on that later)- and opening that box was like finding a present, wrapped just for me. It felt like so much more than 4 really cool dishtowels.

See what I mean?

See that paper doily-topped bag? Inside of it was the following… (that little bag has lavender buds in it. My favorite scent of all.)

And this is a little sneak peek of what I actually ordered- I’ll show you the end result once the curtains are finished.

What was so striking about all of her packaging was how well it fit the tone of her shop. Which taught me a few things– I need to add a little zip to my brown paper packages and pretty twine. My Etsy shop is filled with bright patterns and colors, and that should somehow be reflected in the way I prepare my boxes. Something that makes sense with the style of these (new) pinwheels, which remind me of my Mom and her sewing patterns when I was a kid:

So I have some ideas floating in my head– the first of which is to actually get a business card printed for Elizabeth St. Um, which is pathetic. I should have done that a long time ago. Lesson learned.

The great thing about all of this is that I’ll remember her shop, and check back often. I also found her delightful blog, from a pencil she sent with her web address. Going the extra mile made a lot of impact, as evidenced by the excellent feedback in her etsy shop.

I can’t wait to put into action what I learned from her example.

Visit Andrea’s blog here.

View her etsy shop here.


Happy Friday! Isn’t it glorious in Connecticut right now?! Finally. (Sorry. I had to say it.)


April 8, 2011 - 2:04 pm

Bethany - Omg! Friday favorite how I have missed you! :) Luv it!

April 12, 2011 - 8:10 am

Jennifer - i love friday favorites, love them! thanks for sharing!!!

April 13, 2011 - 5:54 pm

andrea - Ahhh…how sweet of you…I’m so honored you chose little ol’ me for your friday favorite. I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed your package…thanks so much…I truly appreciate it!


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