Monthly Archives: September 2011

Sara and Jon. CT Wedding.
If I could do it properly, I would tell you all about this wedding day. I would tell you about the feeling of home, theView full post »

Like the Wind.
I hope that, when she’s grown, she will still have moments that feel like this. Moments where she can feel theView full post »

I saw something recently that keeps replaying in my mind, urging me to acknowledge its existence, to answer the questionView full post »

I know that it’s true. It has to be. Facts are facts. He was born in 1999. It’s 2011. The time has passedView full post »

The last flowers of the season. I’m hanging on for dear life, hoping that more will appear. Something about theView full post »

Happy Monday.
~ Smile, k? ~ Spiffy cookie pops from here. Yum. (Thank you, Jules!) ~View full post »

Friday Favorite.
Though this qualifies as a Friday Favorite, it’s really occurring Saturday. The Ellington Farmer’s Market isView full post »

Preview. Sara and Jon.
I can’t really call this a ‘sneak peek’, since that usually involves just a couple photos. I rarely (View full post »

Jaiden. Newborn Photos.
There’s something about a firstborn baby that changes a person. Makes us who we really want to be. There’sView full post »

Sneak Peek. Baby
Carole? Josh? Um, we have a problem. There are way too many pictures that I want you to see. Way, way too many. BecauseView full post »