Too quickly, they were here and then gone again.
My niece Kerigan came over for a few hours on Friday.
We made cupcakes and two girls giggled more than they talked. And a young boy looked at me every time and quietly rolled his twinkly eyes with a little grin. A ‘stop it, I love it’ kind of grin. If you know Connor, you know what I mean.
At the end of the night, my sister and her family started their trip back to Illinois, and Nora sat on the couch next to me.
“I know it’s stupid, and I know I’m overly-emotional, but… -(insert sob here)- I miss Carter and Kerigan already! And they just left!”
Same here, Nora.
Come again soon, k?
“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”
-The inimitable Dr. Seuss
Vicki - Gosh! What gorgeous photos! Looks like they all had a blast making cupcakes. I love Nora’s comment–I can totally relate to that feeling of sadness when special people have to leave. PS That hair! Amazing!
Pam - What adorable pictures. Love the colors. I’m sure all the cousins had fun together.
Andrea - Awe what awesome pictures of such beautiful kids!!
Jayme - That hair… sigh.. makes me jealous!! And there is nothing better than cousins making memories…
Melinda - Such GREAT memories! Kerigan had a blast. Thanks again so much.
Teresa - They are ADORABLE!! Love your pictures Betsy!
Kara - Love these!! I especially like the picture of Kerigan licking her pinky, so classic.
Katie Zahner - AWWW… these are the sweetest.
Cheryl - I know exactly what Nora meant! Not only now, but as a kid when my cousins would leave after visiting!!