Category Archives: Love
For Boston.
The love of shattered hearts worldwide and so many, many oft-repeated prayers. “For there is nothing heavier thanView full post »
Two. Betsy & Mark.
Sweet light, kind people, big smiles and happy laughter. Summer evening. A little slice of life while these two awaitView full post »
Preview. Sara and Jon.
I can’t really call this a ‘sneak peek’, since that usually involves just a couple photos. I rarely (View full post »
A Visit.
So, I’m happy to let all my blog readers know that my friend Erica, of EricaMay Photography is going to be inView full post »
Big Announcement.
No, really. This is a big deal. You don’t want to miss this opportunity. To say I’m looking forward to it isView full post »
Newfane, Vermont Wedding.
It’s been a busy couple of weeks here, filled with photo sessions and weddings- one here in Connecticut this pastView full post »
Lindsay & Todd. Engaged.
A beautiful, 70 degree day in March. New York City. Lindsay and Todd. Engaged. Congratulations, you two! Thank you for aView full post »
NYC love.
I have much to share from my little day trip to New York City. Why is it that traveling alone to NYC can make me feelView full post »
Twelve years.
I’d do it all again. Each moment. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. The laughter. The tears. The grief. TheView full post »
~ It is said that the wedding day flies by, and everything is a blur. So for Ashley and Jon, here’s a review ofView full post »
Little Look.
A quick post while I finish processing so many of the photos from Jon and Ashley’s wedding day. More to comeView full post »
What is known.
As I prepared to post these photos, I had a bit of a time trying to find the right words. The words to really say whatView full post »
joie de deux.
~ It was an evening saturated with blue skies and warm sunlight, perfect for spending time remembering special momentsView full post »
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“Green calm below, blue quietness above. “ -John Greenleaf Whittier, American poet. (1807-1892)View full post »
They rushed into the little Starbucks coffeeshop at Barnes and Noble, flushed with a little bit of nervousness, butView full post »