Senior: Sydney

Here are the rest of your featured senior pictures, Sydney! I’ll be sending along your gallery link soon– many more to choose from.


So remember the spot I mentioned in Sydney’s sneak peek post, where we found a random little treasure? We had this neat concrete wall backdrop/loading dock thingy, and I was so happy with the texture and light there. As we were leaving, I commented to Sydney how much I loved the location. I turned around to get one last look, and then I saw it– a very random, leather, kind of beaten-up looking couch that was just forlornly looking as if it needed to be used as a prop. Of course, I obliged. Now, I realize that these may not be the kind of photos one would blow up into huge images for display, but doesn’t it make for a neat shot?:)Sydney agreed.

We had a few good laughs about our choice of prop:

Thanks again for your friendliness, willingness, and just plain niceness!:)All the best for your senior year!

“Only he who has seen better days and lives to see better days again knows their full value.

-Mark Twain

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