~Harkness. It’s one of those places. Fun for the kids, peaceful for the adults. A place of tradition and memory for our family. Close enough to ‘run down’ on a Sunday after church and let the kids explore freely and have time and space to make new memories with their cousins.
It’s one of those places where sand meets soccer ball and two boys are lit by the setting sun-
Where a little girl joins in the fun-
Where the wind catches her hair, and the grass glows green against the water-
It’s one of those places where they can’t get to fast enough, and run with exuberance to reach the water-
Where ‘big boys’ play catch and look so grown up it kind of pulls the heartstrings. (Okay, I miss my boy… Come home soon, Joel!)
A place where 3-year-old toes look adorable nestled in the sand-
Where my 3 nephews make their mom happy because Aunt Betsy bribed them to get a good picture:
A place where they take turns playing goalie, and all agree Brandon is the best at it:
Where arguments seem to cease for a time, and sand is used to make smiles-
Where simple, inexpensive toys make for the best investments:
Where 6 little kids couldn’t look any cuter laying in the warm grass-
Where the golden light is one of the best things about the day-
Where brothers-in-law talk shop and make me smile with their use of hands to explain a procedure-
Where a little girl sits quietly in the sun after entering the 60 degree CT water (!) –tranquility on her face and a happy light in her eyes-
Where the light begins to fade, signaling that it’s time to head back home for another week of work and responsibility-
Where wood is weathered and beautiful against the evening sky-
Where I walk with my 10-year-old boy, the setting sun casting our shadows long into the east-
A place where a mother looks tired, but feels happy and full-
A place where I feel happy because of these 3 faces– these faces that fill me with a love of motherhood, for all its hard work and joy-
Where the light is delicious, the day is ended, and more beautiful memories have been made from our little spot of tradition.
“Although no sculptured marble should rise to their memory, nor engraved stone bear record of their deeds, yet will their remembrance be as lasting as the land they honored. “
~Daniel Webster, American statesman (1782-1852)
Happy Memorial Day, readers.
Melinda - And where we will be with you on Thursday hopefully making the same memories with our children!!!! CAN’T Wait
Betsy - We can’t wait either, Minna!
Katie - Love these!
I would like to order some of those prints. Thanks for getting my boys to smile so nicely and with no silly faces!
Dee - Beautiful pictures!! We were there yesterday, but didn’t get any pictures quite like these. Very nice!