I opened my picture folder, looking for a specific photo of our three kids that I had been wanting to process. Instead, I found this. And it was like a little gift on this cloudy, kinda’ dreary day, making me smile wide.
Hey, if you had a niece this cute, you’d smile, too.
Kerigan Layne, at her best state of being:
Melinda - AWWWW definitely puts a smile on my face daily
Andrea - She is absolutely gorgeous:)
Cheryl Ryan - Glad to hear that Melinda, because it is the sparkly eyes that you are going to have to worry about in the future!
Colleen - Made me laugh. Little honey!
Dana - She is soooo adorable!! wow!
Haven’t checked your blog in a few weeks but now I know why Chris wants to go to Shady Glen’s so bad. He said those pics on Betsy blog just makes me crave a cheeseburger! ha me too!!