
He was just as sweet as could be. The most mild, sleepy, cooperative newborn ever. As in he’s already sleeping through the night at ~ 2 weeks old. Nice. It is always a pleasure catching up with old acquaintances; I really enjoyed this session.

Of note:  the weather over the past 3 weeks has been phenomenal. Nothing short of spectacular for this time of year. A welcome break after the rather horrendous fall we’ve experienced in Connecticut. On the day of this session, it was balmy and warm– even easy to work up a sweat. Really. On November 28th. Oh, if I could bottle that up for the rest of the winter, I would. Regardless, it made for some very rare November outdoor newborn baby photos. Yup. It was warm enough for an overprotective nursing student/photographer to suggest moving the session outside. So Caitlin and Jason agreed, and in doing so, we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Caitlin & Jason, thanks for having me photograph the little guy. Wishing all of you the very best in this big journey you are starting!

December 8, 2011 - 9:34 am

Vicki - Oh! Those pictures are GORGEOUS! I wish I could have a do-over with my newborns so you could take pictures of their little toes and their sweet, sleeping faces. You are definitely gifted!

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