~Meet sweet little Annalise– she’s soft and quiet, so aware of her surroundings, has piercing blue eyes, and is happy in her parents’ arms. Plus she has adorable little toes:
100mm macro f 2.8 1/320 sec. ISO 400
…And she didn’t even mind that her grandma and my assistant were blowing bubbles all around her. (Thanks, Kayla & Erica’s mom! :))
Some lovely light & a little smooch:
35mm f2.0 1/1000sec. ISO 100
35mm f1.8 1/400sec. ISO 100
Erica, you look beautiful. The end.
Someone was so content in her mommy’s arms. –Okay, I have an opinion on this, and I’m gonna’ share it here. What is with people thinking newborn babies only smile ‘for real’ after a certain age? If a brand new baby gives a sweet grin, it is so often attributed to their intestinal integrity in the first few weeks, instead of their outward manifestation of a contented state. What a pity. Goodness, if they can cry for real, why can’t they smile for real? Okay, off the soapbox now. But here’s photographic proof of a happy little week old baby. (And it wasn’t some form of peristalsis, either.)
I love this next one. Love. Look at that light– and those muted little grins of two brand new parents. First ‘real’ family photo turned out pretty well, no? :) Erica, I think Annalise has your eyes-
Erica and Mike, thank you for trusting me to photograph this important time in your lives as you adjust to becoming parents. Your little girl already loves you, and is a complete sweetheart. I wish you both all the best as you raise sweet Annalise.
Lindsey - Beautiful Betsy!!! Erica, Mike and Annalise you are a beautiful family!!! Lindsey Z