
I have a thing for old maps- looking at the detail, the colors, the lines and swirls. Each one looks like a tiny work of art. When I get the urge to do something creative, I usually go to an old atlas.

Some new map-themed items in the Etsy shop now:

Vintage Map Paper Garland-

It’s in my little studio, adding a spot of color to our black and white canvas:

I got some new (old) atlases the other day and made some pinwheel fans for the wall or to use as a hanging mobile. Not sure just what I’m going to do with them. I took some photos of them on the wall in the dormer, just because the light was good there. I took them down after- and Paul came in the office and wondered why I didn’t leave them up. So I guess they look good in that spot.

Of all the map items in the studio, this is my favorite. (It’s not for sale in the shop, though.) For my birthday, Joel finished this origami crane mobile. He had been working on a bunch of different sizes over the past couple weeks, and we attached them to a stick we found in Vermont awhile back. I really really like how it all came together. Nothing like homemade gifts from your child. Love it.

So this has kind of been a little sneak peek into my office space, too. I have more photos of the before and after, furniture, specific item info, etc. – soon. I am just finishing up a couple more things and getting it just right. Lots of projects and photo shoots to share, too. Stay tuned…


July 20, 2011 - 10:33 pm

Meggie - So pretty!

July 21, 2011 - 11:33 am

Shara - Can’t wait to see the final studio product! :) Enjoyed the preview.

July 21, 2011 - 1:50 pm

Donna Bahler - What great, creative ideas, Betsy! We were sorry to hear about Joel’s mishap but hope he is improving and feeling much better by now.

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