Did I mention I have more photos from our Cape excursion last month? I do. Because the three days we spent there were just…really nice. We laughed and smiled and relaxed and enjoyed almost every moment. We raced and played in the sand, and relaxed, and sat knitting with faces bent toward the window light. We found old comic books and pored over their musty wrinkled pages. We cooked together at a gas stove, meals of seafood and earthy side dishes, and looked out at a view unrivaled in imagination. We rested and talked and remembered. We felt the sea spray on our faces, and found the home where we plan to stay this summer. We revisited our favorite haunts, somehow made more special with the novelty of winter encircling their establishments. The library. Cabot’s Candy. Box Lunch. The Harbor. Head of the Meadow. Wellfleet Market. Marconi Beach. PB Boulangerie. Corn Hill. We enjoyed each other, with a few little sibling arguments mixed in, of course. We were, after all, together for three days straight. But even in that, we laughed- mostly because my Mom came to spend some time with us, too. And we may have enjoyed that part most of all. Ask her oldest grandson. She made him laugh often and a lot, with her witty banter and pulling one or two over on him. She’s good for his pre-teen state. Makes him grin and not take himself so seriously. Which is good, because for now, he thinks she’s pretty cool.
So, yes, if you’ve been reading this blog over the past couple of weeks, you might think that I was trying to drag out our little trip to the Cape or something.
You’d be right.
(At least until our next trip, anyway.)
“Why do we love the sea? It is because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to think.”
-R. Henri
Jeff - Not trying to start something here, but if we’re voting, I cast a tie ballot for Connor’s mid-air shadow jumps and Nora’s to-do list! Miss all you guys tons!
Betsy - I have to agree, Jeff. Although Connor may tip the scales in his favor on my account, mostly because those jumps were unprompted and he was unaware of his audience — he was just that excited to be barefoot on the beach in March, I think.
Paige - Lucia from “Lucia, Etc.” sent me!
Hmmm - I’d vote for P&B #3
Katie - These are awesome Betsy! Love the family shots!
Berendina Dykema - Lucia from “Lucia, Etc.” sent me!
Mary Myers - What AMAZING pictures you take! Seriously they are just all so beautiful!
BTW Lucia from Lucia etc sent me.
Jessie Smith - Lucia from “Lucia, Etc.” sent me
Marcy - Booked my trip to Cape Cod! I decided to stay in Chatham so that we would be 1/2 way and be able to easily go up or down the cape for day trips. Found it at HomeAway. Can’t wait!!!
Betsy - Marcy- Sounds wonderful! I think you’ll love Chatham; it’s absolutely beautiful!
ericamayshort - oh, boy. this makes me want to jump on a plane and head east. gorgeous. love the shot of you all together, and the series of you and paul.