It was warm. 92 degrees. The first day of their April vacation. It had been a long day, rushing in the morning, throwing in a stinky load of weekend laundry, waking them up, dropping the kids off at my sister’s, running to school, sitting through lectures, advisor meetings, getting groceries, running to the post office, picking kids up, heading home. There was a list in my head that had no check marks on it. Things that really needed to be done. But there was a little voice saying, “Slow down.” I almost didn’t listen. Didn’t want to listen. But it was warm. 92 degrees.
The trees were green and sweet-smelling, like spring had ushered in a small secret arrival in a quiet spot in the woods. The moss was soft and the ferns green. So green.
They laughed. They splashed and climbed and got scrapes and slivers, little sunburned noses and dirty feet. They jumped and ran and made a mother feel thankful, and a little ashamed for not wanting to go.
And then it was time to leave. Connor whispered to Nora, “I don’t want to go.”
And I thought, “Me, neither.”
Lesson learned.
This time.
Jill - Love you, Betsy. Love your Kiddos. Love your life lessons that are a great reminder to so many of us. I’m afraid I didn’t take enough of these little moments while they were available.
Katie - great shots of the kiddos and the afghan looks beautiful!
Kara - mmm that was a nice day. Much better way to spend it than checking items of a to-do list. Great pics.
Cheryl - I feel silly remembering that I spent most of that day in the house and did not enjoy it. Since it was chilly today it is hard to remember that we had a day like that just last week! Where were those pictures taken?
Jody - Betsy, I would also like to know where those pictures were taken?? Looks like a great spot.
Betsy - @ Cheryl and Jody- it’s just a little hole in the woods over by Valley Falls. One of our favorite spots!
Laurie - what a joy to have warm spring days! where did you get Nora’s suit?
Betsy - Hi, Laurie! Thanks for stopping by! I got Nora’s suit last year from Garnet Hill. It’s been great for sun coverage during long days at the beach.
ericamayshort - oh my! they’re such lovely kids. seriously, i can see this life and soul and kind spirit in each of their eyes.